Joe Cartoon, Greatest Hits Volume 1...Parental Advisory: Explicit Content Warning - This program is recommended for mature audiences only since it contains Adult Language, Excessive Cartoon Violence and Adult Situations. Created by Joe Shields, the 'godfather' of interactive animated content, has been a leading force in online animation since 1998 with the creation and distribution of the ever popular animated shorts 'Frog In A Blender,' 'Gerbil In A Microwave,' 'Superfly' and 'Thuh Greenfields.' Each Joe Cartoon animation runs between 1 and 5 minutes in length and features dozens of diverse characters including Lump The No-Legged Dog, Joefish, Joe Momma and Stoneflies. Online animated shorts have become a staple of I nternet user's online experience and Joe Cartoon is no exception! With millions of people downloading and or viewing content from the web on a daily basis, BCI will break ground by bringing this highly collectible content to retailers on DVD for the first time. 'Greatest Hits, Volume 1' featuring 4 outrageously funny categories: 'Joe Shows' - includes a total of 12 side-splitting shows including the ever popular classics 'Stoneflies,' 'Gerbill,' 'Joe Momma' and 'Gerbil Genocide.' 'Press & 'Splode'' - the brand new interactive, innovative technology where users can obliterate their favorite character by simply using their directional keys. With 8 uproarious episodes featuring 'Gerbil In A Microwave,' 'Joefish And Lump: The No-Legged Dog.' 'Thuh Greenfields' - featuring the irrepressible Greenfields in 5 hysterical episodes. Also includes 'Thuh Greenfields' theme song.
Features 4 comical video clips, 8 Yo-Yo-Yo episodes and 3 Vintage Joe episodes.... Click here or on the image for details |